Below is a brief rant on a reading I did today, be warned I am somewhat tired so this post will be far more disjointed then usual :)
ill ignore a long recourse into the vast majority of actual symbols and polarities that came up but I was pleasantly surprised by the force and clarity of the reading – so much so I'm sharing it with anyone that cares to read :)
In regards to my health over the last while I have being somewhat off form – so with todays Moon in Capricorn, the earthly sign of corporeal manifestation being in a sharp conjunction with Lilith the guise of a silent knowing, I felt it was an especially beneficial time to do a reading in search of insight, recollection and the deeper reflections such a configuration can bring.
I decided to use Tesseomancy, the art of tea leaf reading as my main guide – not that drawing up a chart, or spreading the cards was out of the question; but sometimes a different hands on approach seems appropriate, and if anything precisely what's needed.
Playing upon the associations of my current state of health, the present emotional and horoscopial array, the prevalent astrological health positions of my natal chart, as well as the goal of seeking “practical steps to recovery” I mixed up a blend.
After a bit of pondering, and recording the blends ingredients I eventually named it Mishli Berno, meaning “The way forward”.
Misli Berno
Equal parts of:
Green tea
Dandelion root
Set with a freshly blessed Aventrine crystal.
Equal parts of:
Green tea
Dandelion root
Set with a freshly blessed Aventrine crystal.
Brewing the tea I had a real sense of fixation on the goal, pouring my thoughts and ideas, intentions and feelings into the brew as it stirred in the pot. I left it astir for nine or so minutes, which is the traditional time assigned for readings in gaining practical steps forward as well as being the numerical association of the Moon, the main astrological instigator of the reading.
The resulting tea was light, aromatic and quite sweet to the taste (A pleasant and welcomed surprise!)
With limited time and the days waning physical energy I decided not to scry on the surface or study the steam for its own omens, instead I opted to use the Nelros saucer design as the medium of the tea. The set's among my favourite and although it's a bit tricky to track down these days it's certainly worth the effort for those wanting a quick reading (ah go on!).
The resulting spin of the cup:
Crescent moon/ Boomerang – Leo
Letters E. N. - Libra
Face/Smile – Sagittarius
Angel with curled wings – Aquarius
Number seven/ Shoe – Taurus/Gemini
Gathering of tea on the Fire aspect of the Pentagram
Starting with the current sun sign of Leo I interpreted the tea leaves in it's section as the dual manifestation of a boomerang and a crescent moon. This indicates and reminds me that the health issue is a recurring one, but also one in a state of natural flux – the first symbol is one of will, of the psychosomatic principles in play while the second reflects that, although my will indeed had it's part to play in the current affairs; it is also one of divine order. Allowing the opportunity to grown, evolve and come to a deeper (albeit a shallow one) understanding of the power of intention and repression, as well as the beauty of compassion.
Libra the Airy domain of justice and equilibrium carries with it the letters of E.N. - which reflects for myself an offer of healing from a friend, who is heavily and authentically involved with a system that bears those letters prominently. Giving much thought to the idea that although I have much anxiety in regards to that particular field of study it is never the less still worth further consideration.
Sagittarius is aligned with a clear distinctive smile. Seeing as it was the first symbol that originally took form it is highly indicative of the eventual outcome – one of happiness. Which is not only reassuring, it in itself makes me smile :) Hopefully, as I suspect, when applied to linear time (by the solar rise of Saggi.) much of the current strands of chaos will have found renewed order.
Aquarius offered up the image of an angel with curled wings, not only in confirmation of Libra's insight but a protective reminder that in these fresh experiences and times of trial, that I am very much protected and cared for. The water bearer is one of emotional release and seemingly eccentric behaviour – with a calling to resurge away from the apathy of the moment and become more empowered by my own voice of being, rather then the silence of my physical situation.
The Taurus/Gemini divide brings with it the Numerical personality of seven, which when employed intuitively to my situation calls for more in-depth working on my Chakras. On a very basic level seven is the number of remembrance and a new manifested form, born out of the transition of the five and the gestation of the six. What I feel to be a clear indication of success through more advanced work and developing technique of the LBRP, Middle Pillar and so forth.
The secondary form of this sign is the shoe. Both symbols are quite clear to my eyes, perhaps somewhat reflective of being on the cusp of two signs – so that it can easily, without much focus, embody two separate concepts at the one time. The shoe reminds me of an array of ideas I have being pondering over – such as the developing understanding that “grounding” isn't an act in itself, but a process. One that can take quite a lot of time, in grounding and neutralising the generated and stored thought-forms, ideas and energy matrix within the body and Aura. To ground is to initiate or reinforce the process, but the actual grounding is a continual and ever changing process in itself.
I have also, time and energy allowing being on many nature walks, and have returned home with a deeper sense of renewal – such a configuration I feel encourages to continue this practice, and if possible increase – which will also help to offset some of the more physical consequences of therapy and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.
The cluster of tea on the Pentagrams elemental aspect of fire is an association calling for more action, attention and spirit in challenging this situation – burning away the gathering apathy to release the form renewed.
To prevent boring you all any further, by decending into the lenghty discriptions of the main symbols, as well as unpenned secondary ones and there associated Zodiac signs being applied to my natal and present chart etc this is what, in shirt I feel are the readings highlights.
The situation is one of dual creation, of both a life lesson and the repressed emotional state of some of my own darker instincts. There is a definite indication to re-examine the offer of healing from another, even if it is something I would otherwise not of chosen – the signs are clear that although I possess a degree of anxiety over the subject I am never the less cared for beyond any overly negative consequences.
The rise of Sagittarius will bring with it much joy, so if I continue to work on my body energetically as well as caring for it through the physical practicalities such as exercise and a continued connection with nature then there is little resistance to the return of health.
Unusually, although there are far more symbols seen and interpreted none indicated ay direct negative influence, but more indicative of voids of force – making the situation all the more willing for change. All in all a very empowering and refreshing reading.
Please excuse the poorly formulated and expressed post – the day has being long, my body weary and my mind just about ready for bed :)
Until next time!
Not poorly formulated and expressed-fascinating!
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you :)