Sunday, January 4, 2009

Leo full moon – The fire of new hope.

The upcoming full moon on the 11th will rest in the cusp of Leo, that is to say that the moon will be at its zenith within the domain of its own power and rulership while at the aspect of Leo – the astrological alliance also comes in tune with a initiating Mercury retrograde and a solar eclipse that comes to pass later in the month, these cosmic motions brings forth a full array of illumination, shadow and the stirring of a deeper sense of being.

Within Astrology the Moon represents the emotional self, the inner identity, instincts, habits, automatic reactions and our sense of personal heritage and history.

It may be interesting to note that most people feel their Moon Sign energy very strongly - some even to the point of identifying with their Moon Sign (once known) more than with their Sun Sign, which is best represented as a primary projected personality shared externally but not always held in true resonance with the deeper self.

In astrology the qualities of a Leo moon are that of; sensitivity, private feelings, the feminine self, overcoming passive, reactive, receptivity greeting a time of action, introverted and enduring courage – all which are characteristics of the water/ fire aspect of the zodiac, but holding in mind that it is a Leo moon it can be easily ascertained that it also promotes a sense of well being, a homeward bound hunger, a refocus on the family, the maternal instincts and a sense of brooding (one which according to tradition also promotes the possibilities of conception) and a need to re-calibrate the financial self.

There may be a refocus on the maternal bonds and relationship with ones own mother, the revaluation of the family flow, a identification of where your exist within the family unit, a drawing out of frustrations and chaos within the familiar bonds, a stirring of needs to maintain the homestead – which often results in allot more DIY as well as a need to become far more social and climb the interpersonal popularity ladder.

The Leo full moon is always met by the grounding force of the Earthen Capricorn sun, a combination of fire and earth that most often promotes a renewal of growth best approached and encountered after the harsh weather of winter and the lengthening days – all promoting a sense of fresh growth by purging away the unneeded and wasteful while initiating the Airy/mental energies of fresh thoughts, ideas and plans; a process that sets in motions greater changes on both a physical level as well as an internal emotional one.

It is at such a time best to be direct, decisive, avoiding impulsive behaviour and promote patience. Most people at this time attract intense experiences and often find it is best to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Though more then capable of acting forcefully, a wait and see approach is most often opted for.

The full Leo moon comes to pass in tune with the Mercury retrograde – allowing the upcoming time of communization frustration to be overcome by resistance to self doubt and encouraging a dedication to the higher goal and a flawless determination to succeed.

Although we live in dramatic times, worthy of any epic narrative, each of us have indeed a starring role to play. The Leo full moon casts a vibe of celebrating the unique and individual self, while also encouraging us to see this aspect of the journey as a part of the timeless human drama. It calls us to question what gifts we have that long to be shared – and why we may not be doing so? The Leo full moon is a culmination, where we are often granted an opportunity to see where we fit in with the greater plan of being.

The illumination of the self is often stirred at the time of the Leo full moon, reminding us that our innate life mission, as well as inner treasures are not only worth sharing - but deserve to be.

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