Friday, January 16, 2009

Week ahead

I'm thinking that it is about time that I introduce these on the blog :)

Aries - March 21 to April 20 - "I am"

Current astrological alignments suggest that someone's been playing with your emotions and your not happy about it. There will come a time when the tables can be turned and a sense of order restored, but for now it may be best if you just pretend you are not bothered in the slightest. For there are times in life that you win, by simply not playing the game.

Taurus - April 21 to May 21 - "I possess"

By nature you may be very outspoken, but with Taurus in the 12th house this week it is probably best to watch what you say about others, because if you come on too strong you could end up in bad order as far as some important people are concerned. With Venus the planet of your Domain in Pisces, expect to be far more sensitive then usual and awash with the dreams of yesteryear.

Gemini - May 22 to June 21 - "I think"

This week with your ruling planet Mercury still held within retrograde some upheaval is to be expected, so take it in your stride and don't worry what the outcome might be - as experience tells you that it is rarely as bad as you may fear. Now is the time for reconnecting at home and laying the past to rest, when it comes to old wounds try your best to bury the hatchet – just not in them.

Cancer - June 22 to July 22 - "I feel"

As your Dominion, the Moon moving into Libra a restored sense of balance will arise but don't take such times for granted for much work still needs to be done in order to get you to where you wish to be. Travel is in the stars offering up not only the opportunity to get away from the hassle of life but to get closer to who you truly are. It's perfectly fine to dream quietly, as long as you live loud.

Leo - July 23 to Aug 23 - "I shine"

This week your quirky sense of humour is likely to cause some trouble, make sure if you are joking around that others know you are not being serious. If they take what you say at face value you could end up with allot of chaos. The strands of a loving romance will develop right now if you accept people for who they are and allow them to blossom at there own pace. Have faith in love.

Virgo - Aug 24 to Sept 22 - "I critique"

A retrograde Saturn in Virgo and the 4th house means that health matters are under changeable stars at the moment, you will need to be at your best physically over the next few days, so get plenty of rest and don't take risks with your well being. Financial matters will enter a time of strain, nothing you cant handle but it teaches a lesson in planning and budgeting that you need to learn.

Libra - Sept 23 to Oct 23 - "I choose"

With the intuitive Moon in your domain you are reminded that challenges are merely opportunities in disguise. You may have a craving to get away from it all but now more then ever you are needed exactly where you are. You do not go unnoticed for those who are single will find now is more then ever an opportunity to find a loving embrace. You need to clear out the old before the new can grow.

Scorpio - Oct 24 to Nov 22 - "I desire"

This week you will be required to step in and keep warring factions apart. Alas you won't get the thanks you, in fact you run the risk of both sides turning against you, but if you stand aside the results could be bloody. It's best to act and know you've tried. You may need to remind others and also yourself that regardless of experience you opinion holds both merit, insight and great value.

Sagittarius - Nov 23 to Dec 21 - "I aspire"

Someone you have grown used to is about to go off on a journey, but there is no need to be sad about it. Not only will they be back soon but while they're away a new friendship will blossom. Time can often provide a healing balm for the errors of the past, so with patience and a bit of self faith this week could be a week of renewing forgiveness. Let your courageous heart speak its mind.
Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 20 - "I build"

You know that good things are coming, so whatever the reason it is taking so long you are advised not to let your impatience get the better of you. It will happen when it is meant to happen, so calm down, sit back and enjoy the show. A deepening awareness of the opinions of others will push you a bit of track, reminding yourself what's truly important will bring you back in line with your dreams.

Aquarius - Jan 21 to Feb 18 - "I know"

With Neptune in Aquarius and the 9th house it is best to avoid extremes this week, even if people you work alongside try to convince you that it's okay to push the boundaries. If it all goes wrong guess who is most likely to pay the price? Think and act positive, even if you at first don't feel it, as such motions will set the seeds of a brighter future. A old friend seeks you out with.

Pisces - Feb 19 to March 20 -"I care"
With Venus in Pisces you may be feeling especially sensitive this week, take such an opportunity to clear out the old, especially those sentimental things that link you to a past no longer wanted. Your hard work pays off as this week will bring you an amazing opportunity for growth and self reward. Someone will make you feel proud and despite recently uncovered secrets, you deserve to be.

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